(John 8:31-32)31
Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

(Romans 10:17) 17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Perfection in Real Time

My niece Sophia Grace was born last Saturday at 11:07 AM. She weighed 8 lbs, 5 oz and was 21 inches long. I was there in the waiting room when she came. Watched her get a bath in the nursery. Held her a few hours after birth.... And cried. Oooed and awed over her. Talked to her about how she'll always be able to rely on me. And most importantly I told her about Christ.
Yeah, she was asleep. Yeah, she was barely out of the womb. But hey, we gotta start soon with our young 'uns, right? One day, I pray that she will accept Christ as her personal Savior.
On another note, Sophie is the most perfect being ever!! It used to seem lame how people would coo over babies and proclaim their perfection... Turns out that when you're related to the tiny one, he or she truly is perfect. So yes, I gladly proclaim her beauty and perfection to anyone who asks about her (and to those who don't ask!)
It's quite amazing to see how God works... Such a tiny little person who is utterly reliant on Mommy and Daddy will one day grow up to make her own decisions. One day she will be having a little one. It's a lot to think about if one let's their mind wander.

Pondering our Father's Amazingness...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Impatiently Waiting

It's just past midnight: officially Thursday September 8th. My niece was due 3 days ago (Labor Day). For some reason, little S is determined to stay warm in her Mommy's womb. My poor sister-in-law. I mean, I've been telling everyone that S is due this week, but A is the one who's been pregnant for 9 months! This is she and my older brother (M) 's first child. A is my age and M is 2 years older. Can you imagine what they both must be going through right now??
Personally, I'm just the aunt-to-be and I can't sleep. Instead, things keep getting added to my quick get-away bag. Books and homework have been put in my M/W/F backpack. The camera battery is charged. The GPS is ready to go. The only thing I haven't done is study. Yeah, there's a microbiology test Friday. But little S has got her aunt all amped up and unable to focus! Well, that's the excuse for now... 

This is the part where I should pray, right? Well, here goes:
Heavenly Father, you have absolute control over this entire situation. You are Lord over all. Please bring S safely into this world. She is very comfortable in her Mommy's tummy, but she can't stay there forever. A and M are young; they constantly need your loving guidance. Father, please help them to raise our sweet little S in your ways. Lord, she is SO loved and hasn't even made an appearance yet. I pray that we love her always and raise her to love you and follow your ways. As for school... God, please kick my butt into gear and make me learn this stuff! Especially in microbiology. Gracious Father, you are Lord over everything. You have control and I give my worry up to you right now! Thank you for your never-ending love. You are so majestic and the earth displays your creativity and intelligence. Soon, my beautiful niece will mirror your design. I love you Father God. Amen.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I want to be brilliant.

Not just smart.
Not just knowledgeable,

Not just a book-lover.
Not just cute.
Not just weird.
Not just easily entertained.
Not easily fooled.

I mean, I want to be a bright young woman who exemplifies Christ in everything. And I want to be super smart, make people laugh, love my work and enjoy the people I work with. I want to run just for fun, to love my body, to look in the mirror and say, "This is the life!". I want to be so smart and able to apply that knowledge into useful problem solving and abundant people skills.

Please tell me that one day I'll get there... Being called "brilliant" will be the best compliment anyone could ever give me.

Oh... And I wanna be humble about it too...

Now back out of la-la land I go.
Love always,

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Heart Wrenching...

I took my beautiful pup, Rusty (5 YO), to the vet today. We were really going to get his dew claw (the one that looks like it could be his thumb) checked out because he snagged it on a blanket Tuesday night and it's been bothering him. He also needed his shots updated, so of course that was taken care of.

However... I found out today that he has heartworms... The young vet kindly but sternly told me the course of treatment recommended in addition to the adverse effects if Rusty goes untreated. She also told me how much it's going to cost: a lot. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that his life's not worth it! I plan to use whatever I can to get my precious boy taken care of.

I just feel so... helpless! There's nothing I can do now but give him his medicine (he's on antibiotics from the claw and a powder for intestinal worms) and make sure he gets the treatments (preventative heartworm pills then an overnight stay at the clinic to kill the adult worms in his heart). Now every time I look at Rusty I have this image of nasty worms in his tiny heart... Stopping up arteries and slowly choking him to death.

Obviously, I have to pay for the treatments (2 separate visits-- 1 for a day, the other is the overnight stay). That doesn't bother me-- yeah, there will be constraints and I may not be able to go out and buy some clothes or spend the money eating out, but that doesn't matter! I need him to be healthy and happy. He needs his heart to be healthy so he can do what he enjoys most: running around our 15 acres, chasing tennis balls, and dipping in the pond to cool off. I just hate that when I look at him how worried I get.. But at least I'll be here this summer to be beside him through the process. Right now I feel like an awful parent who could've prevented all this (hearworm pills do just that) but we couldn't afford to take him to the vet, and I honestly didn't know how bad this could be... 

So, if you're reading this, please pray for Rusty. And please pray for my family. The treatments and care will be hard for him and us. He's a young, active dog and deserves the best care imaginable. He's my heart and my joy... 

Because He watches over even the sparrows.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

You know who I mean...

That person...
Yup, I bet a lot of people have one. A certain someone who you just don't know how to define. You like each other but for various reasons it will just never work. It's the sad truth.

And it may not be a romantic thing either. You could have a friend who comes and goes from your life.

To all those people who have a person, I'm praying for you. Maybe one day things will work out and you'll both meet in the middle. Probably not though. Because if God's will isn't in it, I doubt he'd let it happen.

So stay strong and keep doing your thing. Love on that person who swings like a pendulum back and forth into your life, because he/she is easy to love and you care for him/her. Just know that you could get hurt and try not to set yourself up for failure. But keep loving and persevering because there's a reason for your person.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Some dreams do come true!

I applied to be an admissions ambassador for my school. So did a bunch of other people (about 50ish). And we all had our interviews last week. I felt mine went pretty well- I wasn't nervous: I just went in there as myself and answered the panel's questions. But I also didn't talk about the general responsibilities of the job... Because I knew all of them and that aspect of things didn't even cross my mind! Needless to say, I've been nervous ever since. Friday (as in 2 days from now) we were all supposed to find out who got orientation leader spots.
Buuuutttt I was sitting in the library computer lab next to a guy friend when a girl in front of me got an email confirming that she had a spot as an orientation leader. So I quickly logged onto my email, and yes indeed I made it on the list!!! I straight up squealed with excitement. Unfortunately my lovely rookie B also interviewed and didn't get a position... But she is amazing and sent me a congratulatory text and when I expressed my thanks and disappointment she humbly stated that God still has a plan. What an amazing roomie!!
To sum things up, I now have to work graduation in May, go to a retreat with everyone else chosen, and work the summer orientations then 12 of the 20 chosen will be next year's ambassadors. Overall, I just pray that it's glorifying to God and a fun experience!! Because I'm pumped. :)
Until the next time,

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Where da time at?!

I want to post... Very much so! Unfortunately, life is busy and blogging (following and posting) has fallen to the wayside. Hopefully, this week I will get back into the groove of blogging. Until then, here's a preview of some things I would love to blog about:

  • Spring Break mission trip to NOLA
  • Shopping this weekend with Granny, Mama, and Cousin C
    • We found so many bargains!
  • School
  • GOD! He's mighty powerful. :)
  • New phone (aka new addiction)
  • Getting back into the groove of working out
  • Lent... 
  • Summer plans
  • Recycling
Until I get some reading done for school and give some assignments thorough kicks in their respective but proverbial rears, my 3 followers will be sorely disappointed with no postings.

Until then, I pray that God has sent you here to read my ramblings musings for his glory. If you have any questions, please shoot me an email at sparechangeblog@gmail.com!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

That feeling...

Do you know that feeling when you're so apprehensive and worried about the millions of things to do?
Yup, I have had that feeling all week. (See below post for my long to-do list.)
And you know what? That's just plain unhealthy. For an entire week I deprived myself of facebook, blogs, and stumbleupon. Not only did I avoid internet distractions, I haven't spent quality time with my friends in a while. The sad thing is I've done all this to keep my GPA up. And you know what? I've lived for school and projects... But what is that going to get me in the long run? 

  • Anti-social behavior
  • Unhappiness
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches (Oh yes, I've had one every day this week!)
  • Loss of appetite (if you know me, you know I enjoy food!)
I've been experiencing a lot of these bullet points, and honestly I don't like it.

In response to my own anxiety and burnout, it's time to turn a new leaf and start enjoying moments. Because, honestly, this week was awful and I'm not ready to experience another one like it or let my whole life become that horrible!

*Though I did go see the Bieber movie Thursday night with my wonderful roommate, B. It's amazing! I highly recommend it.*

Breathing easier now,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

To Do Today To Die

I'm not sure where it comes from, but that phrase (to do today to die) always pops in my head when I think of my to-do list for the day...
And this one's pretty long:

  • Tetanus paper-- due tomorrow
  • Read Shahname passage for lit-- tomorrow
  • SLAP power-point-- due Wed
  • Read 1/2 Huxley's Brave New World-- Wed
  • Popliteus tendinitis & fabella syndrome power-point-- due Friday
  • Study for knee check-off
  • Plan my week (food, meetings, moneys and assignments due, etc...)
All that and all that's been accomplished so far is
  • Tetanus paper!
  • Talked to Mom and Dad :)
  • Church! 
  • Lunch
  • Catching up on some blogs I read. It's becoming a major form of procrastination...
It's also such a beautiful day; all I want to do is go outside... Solution? KT + lit book + outside for the last bits of the pretty day before the sun sets. Then that SLAP lesion  power-point must be thoroughly kicked in the butt!

Until my work is done,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blisters... SO worth it!

Just a quick post before studying for my test tonight:

Yesterday, one of my roommates and I went trail running... And it. was. amazing. I'd never run a trail before, and these were soaked from 2 days of rain and we even ran through parts of our school's lake since it's up on the shore due to the rain.
I have blisters from the wet shoes/weird friction/haven't run in 3 weeks.
It was absolutely the toughest workout I've done in a while... Physically, my body was pretty mad at me and oh I was struggling mentally (I kept running because I'm prideful and had to keep up)! During the run I could feel the blisters forming as my feet rubbed uncomfortably in my wet socks and shoes. We also got pretty muddy because it rained for 2 days straight! And the scrapes on my leg from the briar we went through to avoid walking in the lake? Yup-- totally worth it!
Not to mention we saw cows and horses in a pasture adjacent to the trails-- I do love cows!  One of the best sights were the 4 deer who ran across the trail in front of us then stood in the woods and watched us run by.
2ish miles-- check
Invaluable time with roomie A-- check
Animals seen (cows, horses, and 4 deer in the woods!)-- check
Scrapes, blisters, and soreness-- check
Enjoying God's beautiful creation-- check
Happiness-- check!

Now back to studying for Strength and Conditioning...
[Not-So] Studiously Yours,

Monday, March 7, 2011


Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
-Romans 10:17
(This is basically the theme verse of my church.)

It's amazing how powerful God'd word is.
He is revealing to me daily just how awesome and perfect it is.. And I also have to say, it is so uplifting to get verses from my friends and fun to send them to others.

So my prayer tonight is that we all get in the word-- to memorize, to learn, to teach, to uplift, and even to rebuke our fellow believers when needed.

In Christ's love,

Sunday, March 6, 2011

True JOY

Not a long post, but here's a cool acronym:


What a simple way to remember how to live our lives! We put Jesus first, then other people, then ourselves. When we strive to keep our priorities in this order, we are filled with true joy.
As 1 Corinthians 10:31-33 says:
 31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33 even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
Sooooo life's not about us-- that's why when we only think of ourselves we're miserable--> we don't have JOY!

Praying that you and I have true JOY,

Friday, February 25, 2011

How bout some pink sunglasses?

Usually, seeing the world through rose-colored glasses is considered a bad thing. It means one is naive, sees too much good, and practically refuses to see bad things happen around them.
Normally, I'd agree-- even though I generally walk around with rose-colored glasses.
But outlook is sooooo very important.
So today, let's examine our outlooks and see how we see the world.

I don't know about you, but pink is one of my favorite shades!

Optimistically yours,

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Yesterday was a bit rough- but it's in the past. Today's a whole new day, so let's all rejoice in it!!
Today's To-Do's:

  • Tennis treatments + Practice
  • School
    • Read Cantos 31-34 of Dante's Inferno
    • Read "Recapitulation" of Darwin's On the Origin of Species
    • Read Chapter 5 of Strength and Conditioning
  • Find tax stuff...
  • Trip with the Honors Program
  • Percy's House of Pancakes
  • Read a bit more of The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

And today, all that reading actually looks like fun! 
Happy Thursday,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Because I accidentally turned in a copy of someone else's work in my Honors Forum class. I had saved it to a word doc in case I wanted to use it/read it/cite it some other time (because I had to join a website, but my access is limited and I could only read that article for 10 days from the time of joining). So yeah, instead of sending my awful paper (thanks to procrastination/being overloaded all the time) I sent someone else's work...

I mean, yes my amazing profs gave me the benefit of the doubt and let me send my actual paper. But STILL...
I just want to cry about it right now. I had thought I'd be all happy-go-lucky for the rest of my hump day... Maybe even work out and get ahead on things. Or at least do a journal entry for each of my Honors Forum classes so far so I won't have to do them at the end of the semester. But right now all I wanna do is wallow in self pity and cry.

It's been that kind of 1.5 weeks...

Later, I'm gonna pick my pseudo-depressed self back up and be optimistic.
And realize that it's okay. I obviously made an honest mistake and it's fixed now.
Yeah, and I also wanna laugh about it. 

Until I regain some since of the happy-laughateverything-me, I think I might just get that cry in to get over this.

Getting through this storm,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I stink at this game... But for some strange reason it's oh-so-fun!!!
Ooookay, I think it's time to leave the coffee house and get some sleep...

Thought for the night:
Why is college so darn intensive? On the way over here, I was thinking about how I rarely ever stayed up past 1am in high school (and yes, I graduated with a V-word on my sash) so why do I have so many late nights working on projects/studying now?? 

Is it poor time management (and just how do we define this?)
Or is it straight up procrastination? (Oh yeah, that's definitely a factor!)
But why do I procrastinate... Which leads up to the late nights?

Probably has something to do with compulsiveness... I mean, I know I should have gone home an hour ago, but instead I came to the coffee house and played Call Of Duty, which got me all amped up, and now I'm rambling.

Sleepy time folks,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Why yes, it's that day of the year that singles hate and [most] couples love.
But you know what? Being single on V-day ain't so bad.
Today, instead of moping about my single-state, I got to rejoice in my roomies new relationship, (this isn't gossip, they are as official as a whistle!) and spend time with some amazing friends. 
For lunch, one of my friends whom I call "my love" bought me a Valentine's cookie.. Too cute! It had pink icing + a pink sprinkle heart. <3 
Then for dinner, I enjoyed Mr. G's con tres amigos. 

Oh yea-- I made an A on my medical aspects test this morning.

Thank you, God for awesome Mondays!

Now, if you don't mind, please help me stay sane and have a productive Tuesday...


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Quote of the Day

A bit of a cop-out for today's post... I'm giving you a quote from a web page I'm reading at the moment. [Hopefully] there will be a Christ-inspired post to come, and it'll be edifying!

"A true Christian is someone in whom Christ dwells." -taken from Ray Stedman.org 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

PA... Let's just do it later.

Procrastinator's Anonymous...

Yup, it's 1:07 am at the beginning of this blog post, and yes I am awake because I'm working on a power point project for class. It's due tomorrow at midnight, but I want to finish it before my 8 am class so I can go home before 4 pm.
(My inner, wiser voice) Come on now, KT if you're gonna wait until the night before something is due, you need to focus and just GET IT DONE!!!
(The real me) But I just keep thinking of all these things I wanna blog about!!!!!
Guess who won?
I know that's a toughy, but come one now... Just think for a second longer. That's right, the stupid me won!! I mean, I am wide awake right now, typing away on my blog instead of reading about IT band friction syndrome. I know you're thinking that I'm utterly nuts right now. And yes, to my sole reader, I might just be.
But to anyone reading this, what are your thoughts on procrastination?

  • Do you really get your best work done when it's under pressure?
    • All my power point projects from last semester were done like the one I'm about to get real on, and yes I actually got good marks on them!
  • Is it the stupidest thing you've ever heard of because you're uber organized?
    • If so, please lend me some of your tips/tricks, because I'm always up for some improvement!
  • Is it bad work ethic, because I'm teaching myself bad habits?
    • Because, yeah I'd actually agree with you... See 1st bullet point.
  • Is it okay? 
    • I mean, in the real world things aren't going to be organized all the time... Right?
  • Or are you like this blog I love to follow and so organized you forgot/never even knew what the word procrastination means?
All thoughts/comments/etc... are totally welcome!

Until this power point's done,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2.5 Hours Later...

So yes, I was in the middle of a would-be awesome post after losing an intramural basketball game. I didn't even mind losing that badly. But I somehow managed to get a virus on my laptop. I was devastated!!! I mean... A virus! I try to be oh so careful with what I download and click on, but I messed up this time. 

Thank God that my computer savvy friend happened to be at the coffee house I'm at... Annnnnd he managed to get all the buggy stuff off (while kindly dealing with my freaked-out/pseudo depressed self). 
This post goes out to you, JD. You officially ROCK!!!! 

And I promise that as soon as I get all these projects completed and turned in, there will be a happy post about something cool.. Maybe p90x. HA

Now to get all that work done that was delayed by my idicracy...
Thankful for amazing friends.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Right now I'm in ATL for a student athletic training conference! It's been a lot of fun so far. I feel like I've learned a lot and have thought critically about some things. However, I still feel like there are entirely too many choices for my career path. UGH!
But the good news is that we're supposed to go to an awesome exhibit tomorrow when the conference is over!
So all in all, I'm having a blast being away from school, learing lots, and hanging with my friends from my program (which doesn't happen much at school.) I even got my butt over to the hotel's gym and jogged on the treadmill for 30 mins tonight!
Enough accomplishment for the day?
I think yes. :)

From the Peach State,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

worship time!

Literally about to walk out the door and go to church Bible study/worship.
Rando thought:
Awesome Worship Song!
Just wanted to share.

Happy Tuesday,

Monday, January 31, 2011

how ALL mondays should be

Classes were good!
Lunch with "my love"-- we talked about church and what word we've been gettin' into.
Tennis Clinicals were short-n-sweet (just treatments bc of the rain).
Errands done

  • groceries... check!
  • mail sent... check!
Intramural basketball = work out (We finally won! And I played well [happy happy face].)
Called H.S. bball coach and had an amazing chat.
Hung out with one of my lovely roomies and worked with clay for 2 hours... Ahhh the stress relief!

So yeah, my Monday was fabulous
I hope the same is true for you! If not, I pray that your Tuesday is much, much better! 


Saturday, January 29, 2011

What a Day!

Reader be warned.. This post is a little lengthy due to My and B's day out being covered extensively. 

Today was ah-mazing! I spent it with my awesome roommate/bestie/accountability partner. She and I came home yesterday after I went to a Sunday School party at my pastor's house (roomie B goes to a different church) so that made for a late(ish) night.. We got home around 11 then proceeded to pass out! 
Today though, we faithfully got OUT OF BED at 7:30, a feat we never manage on days we have 8 AM classes! Why'd we get up so early on a Saturday? To go shopping of course! We are girls, so what'd you expect? Before you go saying we're crazy for waking up on a Saturday just to shop, hold on.. Because we had a purpose: to "thrift" and find things for our crafting projects

Back Story:
Last semester was [extremely] stressful for me because I worked football. Additionally, there was a lot of spiritual warfare and growing going on (B has been growing so much and it's amazing to have a godly roommate!). So we decided we need to spend more time together and do FUN stuff. So why not be artsy and craft all semester?

Back to today:
We set out on an adventure to rummage through junk and craft sales to find awesomley amazing things. It turned out to be a great day, despite us both being tired! To make things a bit more systematic, let's go through the day by the places we visited.

1st thrift store finds:
B-- cute heart decoration made from clay. (This doesn't do it justice, but it's adorable!) Priced @ $0.25
KT-- pretty blue kitchen container (which I found a PENNY in... can you say, "way to start the day!" ?)
Price-- not tagged; $1.00 according to lady at register
Money spent-- $1.00 because we both had ten or twenty bills, so she said the dollar was good enough! Sa-weet way to begin our day. 

Paused here to go to CVS while we waited for the next 2 stores to open.. We got some essentials, but still at great prices!
CVS brand cotton balls $1.99
CVS brand nail polish remover $1.99
Neutrogena special-formula hand cream (clearance!) $1.37

Chapstick $1.29?

2nd thrift store finds:
Nothing for either. However, we did look at some cool/cheap glass bottles.
There were lots of clothes here, like the 1st store we visited... Some foreshadowing, perhaps?

3rd store (a small boutique-like place that monograms)
Nothing here either because almost everything was for kids. 

Another pause from shopping... This time to recycle! We took the cardboard, plastic, paper, and aluminum cans that had piled up in our kitchen for the past 3 weeks to the local recycling center. It just feels nice knowing we did a small part to take care of the earth God's given us!

Then... We went to a local park that has faces carved into the trees! B and I absolutely enjoyed this stop and took lots of fun pics!

4th store:
No buys, but we had a lot of fun looking at all the china/various dish sets in this store. There were SO many dishes... And books. But the man working was rather grumpy when we asked if he had any old keys. =/

5th store:
A rather large thrift store... Maybe the biggest in our state. It's always rather icky smelling/feeling and crowded. BUT B did find the cookie sheet she needed to remake!
B-- a cookie sheet $0.99

Pause again from shopping for LUNCH!
We went to O'Charley's where we did a twofer $15 (then add ~$3 each for salad + mini desserts) and had a wonderful waitress! Kristina took great care of us and chatted some. We even took a pic with her.
B-- Water
salad + vinaigrette
bacon cheddar cheeseburger + homestyle fries
fresh mini cinnamon donuts + frosting dip
KT-- Water
salad + southwestern ranch
baja chicken + black beans + spanish rice pilaf
mini ooey gooey caramel pie
Total..... $11.32/each before tip

6th store:
Hobby Lobby! Finally to the craft supplies :)
B-- mini ribbon spool 2/$0.99 each
big ribbon spools 2 @ 1/2 off (reg. 3.99 each, so 3.99 for both)
teacher themed buttons $2.99 (?)
handkerchief $0.99
dove charm 1/2 off $1.47 ($0.74)
KT-- owl & bead charms 1/2 off $1.47 ($0.74)
B & K letters to decorate 1/2 off $1.77 ($0.89/each)
frog charm 1/2 off $1.99 ($0.995)
Grand Total... $14.93 before tax

7th store:
B-- 4 pack of cork board $5.99
KT-- 2 packs of "blingy bedazzlers" $1.00/each
Total... $7.99 before tax

8th store:
Lifeway Christian Store
Nothing bought, but we did decide to start a book study/devotional together! It's gonna be great.. We talked about reading Radical by David Platt, but plans changed.

9th store:
2nd and Charles
If you don't know what this store is, you need to find one and be amazed!!
2nd and Charles buys books, cd's, games, and movies back then resales them at great prices! Plus, the store has an awesome layout and maps to know where to go. I think a piece of both our hearts is there. ;)
A book for our devo! Can You Keep Your Faith in College? $5.50 (?)

Then we were homeward bound! Well, after a quick coffee/donut stop at a gas station.

I know, this has probably bored you if you managed to read all the way through. If you just skipped to the end, I don't blame ya. B and I had a wonderful day though.. We jammed in the car to the local Christian radio station (which doesn't come in at school... [sad face]) and chatted. In all, it was an amazing day with a great God-friend!

G'nite y'all,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Word O' The Day

It's Hump day, and for once today hasn't been as awfully long as my Wednesdays usually run!

Today's word is haphazard
Why is haphazard the word o' the day? 
Let's rationalize:
  • I heard it in my honors class taught by a bio prof and lit prof. Interesting combo, huh? Anyway... We had gone off on a tangent about a recent hot topic and Dr. Science posed the question of whether traditionally-raised Chinese students make for better professionals/individuals (what with all the structure!) or western-raised students are better off? Even if we go at things in a haphazard manner.
  • So this got me to thinking... Just what is the definition of this word? (Of course Google was employed. I mean, what college student keeps a dictionary on hand?)
  • I often feel quite haphazard in how I go about life, so this word seemed to fit the way I work...  BUT, if I can still manage to get things done and not make my life mundanely regimented, then why should I stress so hard about making things organized and trying to be OCD about certain aspects of my life?
Haphazard defined
(adj.) marked by lack of plan, order, or direction
haphazard (adverb)
haphazardly (adverb)
haphazardness (noun)
haphazardry (noun)

I like these synonyms:

And some antonyms... That I want to be, but my haphazard side just keeps winning out! 

Yup, so it's been quite the haphazard day, kinda like my life. Maybe one day, I'll be the opposite and become organized. Or maybe I'll just keep managing to get things done despite the randomness... Yeah... Right.

G'nite and sweet dreams,

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The first Musing... Some Housekeeping

Why hello there!
Since this is my first post, some explanations are due.
1. Why have I chosen to blog? 
2. What does the name of my blog mean?
3. Who am I?

So let's start off with... The last question-- because that's just how I roll (randomly/without aim/easily distracted-- ADD if you must).
First off, I'm a born-again Christian. That's the most important thing anyone could ever know about me. My relationship with the almighty, loving, redeeming Father isn't perfect, and neither am I. I'm just forgiven [which is straight up AWEsome!] 
I'm also a sophomore in college. One day, I hope to make a difference in people's lives... So yeah, I'm studying an allied health care field because I love the human body and its intricacies. What better way to make a difference than helping people take care of and/or fix the thing that we all carry around daily?

Question 2:
What does Spare Change mean?
Weeellll.... I have a (slight) obsession with spare change. Especially pennies. Why? Well, I love that whole "A penny saved is a penny earned" concept, and if I just find a whole bunch of pennies and save them, then how much neater is that? Don't get me wrong, I love those days when I find a nickel or dime (quarters are sweet too!) but pennies are more common.
But there are more reasons-- I like to rationalize things:

  • Spare Change literally-- I'm fairly resistant to change of any kind. It makes me nervous and change can be hard to cope with and adjust to.
  • Spare Change as the last few thoughts-- oftentimes, I lie in bed trying to go to sleep, but just can't because SO many things are running through my head. So why not get them out in an online journal?
  • Spare Change in relation to God-- Go figure, I'll throw in the God card twice in one post, huh? Well, I don't want my life be lived so that God only gets the spare change instead of the big bucks. Even though I'm not perfect (just forgiven!) the Almighty deserves my utmost.
  • As I was running one day, musing about what the name of this blog should be, I found a beautiful shining penny. Coincidence? I think it was just perfect timing!
Lastly... Question 1:
Why have I chosen to blog?
Over the past few months, I've started following a few blogs, most of them doctors, pre-meds, or med students. I also love the idea of journaling. This is a place for me to muse, and honestly it's SO much more convenient than keeping up with a paper journal.

Until the next post...