(John 8:31-32)31
Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

(Romans 10:17) 17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Heart Wrenching...

I took my beautiful pup, Rusty (5 YO), to the vet today. We were really going to get his dew claw (the one that looks like it could be his thumb) checked out because he snagged it on a blanket Tuesday night and it's been bothering him. He also needed his shots updated, so of course that was taken care of.

However... I found out today that he has heartworms... The young vet kindly but sternly told me the course of treatment recommended in addition to the adverse effects if Rusty goes untreated. She also told me how much it's going to cost: a lot. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that his life's not worth it! I plan to use whatever I can to get my precious boy taken care of.

I just feel so... helpless! There's nothing I can do now but give him his medicine (he's on antibiotics from the claw and a powder for intestinal worms) and make sure he gets the treatments (preventative heartworm pills then an overnight stay at the clinic to kill the adult worms in his heart). Now every time I look at Rusty I have this image of nasty worms in his tiny heart... Stopping up arteries and slowly choking him to death.

Obviously, I have to pay for the treatments (2 separate visits-- 1 for a day, the other is the overnight stay). That doesn't bother me-- yeah, there will be constraints and I may not be able to go out and buy some clothes or spend the money eating out, but that doesn't matter! I need him to be healthy and happy. He needs his heart to be healthy so he can do what he enjoys most: running around our 15 acres, chasing tennis balls, and dipping in the pond to cool off. I just hate that when I look at him how worried I get.. But at least I'll be here this summer to be beside him through the process. Right now I feel like an awful parent who could've prevented all this (hearworm pills do just that) but we couldn't afford to take him to the vet, and I honestly didn't know how bad this could be... 

So, if you're reading this, please pray for Rusty. And please pray for my family. The treatments and care will be hard for him and us. He's a young, active dog and deserves the best care imaginable. He's my heart and my joy... 

Because He watches over even the sparrows.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

You know who I mean...

That person...
Yup, I bet a lot of people have one. A certain someone who you just don't know how to define. You like each other but for various reasons it will just never work. It's the sad truth.

And it may not be a romantic thing either. You could have a friend who comes and goes from your life.

To all those people who have a person, I'm praying for you. Maybe one day things will work out and you'll both meet in the middle. Probably not though. Because if God's will isn't in it, I doubt he'd let it happen.

So stay strong and keep doing your thing. Love on that person who swings like a pendulum back and forth into your life, because he/she is easy to love and you care for him/her. Just know that you could get hurt and try not to set yourself up for failure. But keep loving and persevering because there's a reason for your person.