(John 8:31-32)31
Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

(Romans 10:17) 17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

That feeling...

Do you know that feeling when you're so apprehensive and worried about the millions of things to do?
Yup, I have had that feeling all week. (See below post for my long to-do list.)
And you know what? That's just plain unhealthy. For an entire week I deprived myself of facebook, blogs, and stumbleupon. Not only did I avoid internet distractions, I haven't spent quality time with my friends in a while. The sad thing is I've done all this to keep my GPA up. And you know what? I've lived for school and projects... But what is that going to get me in the long run? 

  • Anti-social behavior
  • Unhappiness
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches (Oh yes, I've had one every day this week!)
  • Loss of appetite (if you know me, you know I enjoy food!)
I've been experiencing a lot of these bullet points, and honestly I don't like it.

In response to my own anxiety and burnout, it's time to turn a new leaf and start enjoying moments. Because, honestly, this week was awful and I'm not ready to experience another one like it or let my whole life become that horrible!

*Though I did go see the Bieber movie Thursday night with my wonderful roommate, B. It's amazing! I highly recommend it.*

Breathing easier now,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

To Do Today To Die

I'm not sure where it comes from, but that phrase (to do today to die) always pops in my head when I think of my to-do list for the day...
And this one's pretty long:

  • Tetanus paper-- due tomorrow
  • Read Shahname passage for lit-- tomorrow
  • SLAP power-point-- due Wed
  • Read 1/2 Huxley's Brave New World-- Wed
  • Popliteus tendinitis & fabella syndrome power-point-- due Friday
  • Study for knee check-off
  • Plan my week (food, meetings, moneys and assignments due, etc...)
All that and all that's been accomplished so far is
  • Tetanus paper!
  • Talked to Mom and Dad :)
  • Church! 
  • Lunch
  • Catching up on some blogs I read. It's becoming a major form of procrastination...
It's also such a beautiful day; all I want to do is go outside... Solution? KT + lit book + outside for the last bits of the pretty day before the sun sets. Then that SLAP lesion  power-point must be thoroughly kicked in the butt!

Until my work is done,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blisters... SO worth it!

Just a quick post before studying for my test tonight:

Yesterday, one of my roommates and I went trail running... And it. was. amazing. I'd never run a trail before, and these were soaked from 2 days of rain and we even ran through parts of our school's lake since it's up on the shore due to the rain.
I have blisters from the wet shoes/weird friction/haven't run in 3 weeks.
It was absolutely the toughest workout I've done in a while... Physically, my body was pretty mad at me and oh I was struggling mentally (I kept running because I'm prideful and had to keep up)! During the run I could feel the blisters forming as my feet rubbed uncomfortably in my wet socks and shoes. We also got pretty muddy because it rained for 2 days straight! And the scrapes on my leg from the briar we went through to avoid walking in the lake? Yup-- totally worth it!
Not to mention we saw cows and horses in a pasture adjacent to the trails-- I do love cows!  One of the best sights were the 4 deer who ran across the trail in front of us then stood in the woods and watched us run by.
2ish miles-- check
Invaluable time with roomie A-- check
Animals seen (cows, horses, and 4 deer in the woods!)-- check
Scrapes, blisters, and soreness-- check
Enjoying God's beautiful creation-- check
Happiness-- check!

Now back to studying for Strength and Conditioning...
[Not-So] Studiously Yours,

Monday, March 7, 2011


Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
-Romans 10:17
(This is basically the theme verse of my church.)

It's amazing how powerful God'd word is.
He is revealing to me daily just how awesome and perfect it is.. And I also have to say, it is so uplifting to get verses from my friends and fun to send them to others.

So my prayer tonight is that we all get in the word-- to memorize, to learn, to teach, to uplift, and even to rebuke our fellow believers when needed.

In Christ's love,

Sunday, March 6, 2011

True JOY

Not a long post, but here's a cool acronym:


What a simple way to remember how to live our lives! We put Jesus first, then other people, then ourselves. When we strive to keep our priorities in this order, we are filled with true joy.
As 1 Corinthians 10:31-33 says:
 31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33 even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
Sooooo life's not about us-- that's why when we only think of ourselves we're miserable--> we don't have JOY!

Praying that you and I have true JOY,