(John 8:31-32)31
Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

(Romans 10:17) 17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Some dreams do come true!

I applied to be an admissions ambassador for my school. So did a bunch of other people (about 50ish). And we all had our interviews last week. I felt mine went pretty well- I wasn't nervous: I just went in there as myself and answered the panel's questions. But I also didn't talk about the general responsibilities of the job... Because I knew all of them and that aspect of things didn't even cross my mind! Needless to say, I've been nervous ever since. Friday (as in 2 days from now) we were all supposed to find out who got orientation leader spots.
Buuuutttt I was sitting in the library computer lab next to a guy friend when a girl in front of me got an email confirming that she had a spot as an orientation leader. So I quickly logged onto my email, and yes indeed I made it on the list!!! I straight up squealed with excitement. Unfortunately my lovely rookie B also interviewed and didn't get a position... But she is amazing and sent me a congratulatory text and when I expressed my thanks and disappointment she humbly stated that God still has a plan. What an amazing roomie!!
To sum things up, I now have to work graduation in May, go to a retreat with everyone else chosen, and work the summer orientations then 12 of the 20 chosen will be next year's ambassadors. Overall, I just pray that it's glorifying to God and a fun experience!! Because I'm pumped. :)
Until the next time,

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Where da time at?!

I want to post... Very much so! Unfortunately, life is busy and blogging (following and posting) has fallen to the wayside. Hopefully, this week I will get back into the groove of blogging. Until then, here's a preview of some things I would love to blog about:

  • Spring Break mission trip to NOLA
  • Shopping this weekend with Granny, Mama, and Cousin C
    • We found so many bargains!
  • School
  • GOD! He's mighty powerful. :)
  • New phone (aka new addiction)
  • Getting back into the groove of working out
  • Lent... 
  • Summer plans
  • Recycling
Until I get some reading done for school and give some assignments thorough kicks in their respective but proverbial rears, my 3 followers will be sorely disappointed with no postings.

Until then, I pray that God has sent you here to read my ramblings musings for his glory. If you have any questions, please shoot me an email at sparechangeblog@gmail.com!
